She was very sensitive to impressions, and it was not strange, after all, that this aura of a traveller from another world should so affect her. 她非常敏感,认为这个从另一世界来的旅人既具有这样独特的气质,他能令她如此激动也就不足为奇。
Benjamin sensitive to observe that in the era of advanced capitalism, the characteristics of art and functional changes those mechanical reproduction techniques on the one hand resulted in the passage of the "aura", on the other hand, the art to the broader public. 本雅明敏感的体察到了在发达资本主义的时代,艺术的特质及功能的改变,认为机械复制技术一方面造成了灵韵的消逝,另一方面也使艺术走向更为广阔的大众。